And we’re up and running
This is where we stand, together, not alone, supporting each other.
The website itself is all up and running with help from Thomas Dumow and GreyFish Media and I must say that the amount I have messaged him the last few days must have resulted in the need for all his devices to be permanently on charge!
The facebook page is growing and growing and it's nearly over 1,200 likes! Which is amazing, with this brings lots of contact from all of you offering help any which way you can which is almost as amazing.
Lisa Wiggin's Marathon event page now has a link so that you can sponsor the poor girl who is putting herself on the line to run a full marathon, not on easy Tarmac like the do in London, on SAND! All this in searing heat and she says that only 6 ladies finished last year! Well she will be one of them this year I'm sure. Sponsor her here
Other fundraising events being planned are a Football tournament by Grays officers, a comedy night with Joker Comedy Club (date TBC), a 'Pastie for Pledge' pastie sale by Aaron (Bruce) Bradford in memory of Craig Pledger and lots more besides!
Donations have reached dizzying heights, with pledges on the Yimby (justgiving's sister site) reaching over the £200 target plus the PayPal reaching over £400 as I write this, I cannot begin to image the work ahead but knowing the funding is there and that this is only the beginning is immensely warming.
In terms of the actual support this has been just as amazing with a few people coming forward with qualifications in councilling offering help, 2 people with over 40years combined in councilling wanting to help, Health Care Pracitioners, One Doctor who has pledged to help, Other charity organisers and not to mention all the countless officers who have made contact and offered to field initial calls from colleagues. Includes some officers from Sussex, Chester, Leicester, Mets and of course Essex and Devon and Cornwall.
This is my first post on the page and hopefully this will be the start of updating you will more exciting news. I have my work cut out but this Organisation will soon be a registered charity all being well and the beginnings of a board of trustees built.
But that's all for the future
Stay safe out there